As a Wattpad writer, you have the freedom to use different tenses in your writing to create a unique and engaging story. Tenses play a vital role in shaping the narrative of your story and help you create a sense of time and space. Let’s get into how to use different tenses in your stories, including past, present, and future.
The past tense
The past tense is the most commonly used tense in writing. It is used to describe events or actions that have already occurred. Past tense is ideal for storytelling, as it allows the writer to describe past events and create a sense of nostalgia. It is also used when describing actions that occurred over a prolonged period, such as childhood memories.
"She walked down the street and turned the corner. Suddenly, she saw a man running towards her."
In this example, the past tense is used to describe the woman's actions and the events that occur around her.
The present tense
The present tense is used to describe events that are happening right now or are ongoing. It creates a sense of immediacy and urgency, making it an excellent choice for action scenes or dramatic moments. It is also used to describe habits, routines, and repeated actions.
"She walks down the street and turns the corner. Suddenly, she sees a man running towards her."
In this example, the present tense is used to describe the woman's actions and the events that occur around her, creating a sense of urgency and tension.
The future tense
The future tense is used to describe events that have not yet happened but are expected to happen. It is ideal for describing plans, predictions, or expectations.
"She will walk down the street and turn the corner. She expects to see her friend waiting for her."
In this example, the future tense is used to describe the woman's expectations for future events.
Mixing tenses
While it is recommended to stick to one tense throughout your story, there are times when mixing tenses can be effective. For example, you may choose to use the past tense for your narrative and switch to the present tense for dialogue or action scenes.
"She walked into the room and saw her best friend, who was sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?" she asked."
In this example, the past tense is used to describe the woman's actions, while the present tense is used for the dialogue.
Let’s do a quick comparison of the tenses we’ve gone over.
Past tense: She walked down the street.
Present tense: She walks down the street.
Future tense: She will walk down the street.
In these examples, the same sentence is used but the action is adjusted slightly to fit into each tense.
Using different tenses in your writing can help you create a unique and engaging story. The past tense is commonly used for storytelling, while the present tense is excellent for action scenes and dramatic moments. Mixing tenses can also be effective in creating a dynamic narrative. Whatever tense you choose to use, be consistent throughout your story to avoid confusing your readers. With these tips in mind, you can use different tenses to enhance your writing and create a captivating story on Wattpad that takes your readers on a journey through space and time.