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Photo of Shaun Allan

Shaun Allan


Shaun Allan is a bestselling, award winning author who writes multiple genres, including psychological horror, introspective and emotive poetry, young adult and children’s. He has appeared on Sky TV to debate publishing, is a Wattpad Creator and been commissioned to write companion stories for such movies as The Purge: Anarchy, The Boy, A Quiet Place, IT and Amazon Prime’s Panic series. He also holds regular writing workshops at local schools. Many of his personal experiences are woven into the points of view and senses of humour of his characters, along with the places in and around his home town. He is currently working on Cell, the first book of his first ever trilogy, so expect cages and experimentation and zombies, oh my!

Shaun lives with his manic dog called Ripley (believe it or not). He works full time and, though his life feels as hyper as his dog, it probably isn't.
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