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Wattpad Originals

Wattpad Originals Wattpad Originals Wattpad Originals
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Being connected to your readers is one of the most satisfying and rewarding parts of Wattpad. With Wattpad Originals, your audience can also reward you with monetary support. Wattpad Originals allows readers to support selected creators by purchasing access to entire stories or paying to unlock portions as they go.

How Do Wattpad Originals Work?

For full information about the program, you can check out our Help Center.

For writers, Wattpad Originals is an invite-only program. We identify content that we see an opportunity to add to the program, contact the creator and provide 1:1 onboarding support to get stories prepped for launch! This looks different for each story and can include things from full story editing to cover preparation to description/tag support.