Genre and format on Wattpad
Learn about webnovel format and the key genres on Wattpad. Knowing how to write in this style and apply the genre best-practices is key to webnovel writing.
How to write cliffhangers that captivate
Cliffhangers are a fantastic way to make your story engaging no matter the type of conflict or scale of the stakes. Learn how to best use them in your stories.
Giving characters goals, motivation, conflict, and stakes
The secret to great characters revealed: Goals, Motivation, Conflicts, Stakes! Learn how Character GMCS keeps your characters and readers engaged in the plot.
Exploring tropes in storytelling
Tropes are commonly used conventions or story elements, and Wattpad users love them! Learn all about tropes how to use them in your stories.
Dangerous Love: Vertical guide
Dangerous Love encompasses subgenres like mafia, romantic suspense, erotic romance, and more. Learn what elements help these stories succeed on Wattpad.
Effective outlining methods for writers
Learning to outline isn't about being a pantser or a planner - it means giving yourself enough structure to allow your creativity to bloom.
How to write an engaging opening
Learn how to craft a powerful opening scene that introduces the key elements that get a reader hooked - and what to avoid!
Writing with precision and detail
Create interest for your readers and keep them focused on important Specific Details rather than lots of fuzzy generic ones.
A guide to line editing
Learn how to make your prose polished and your reader captivated with these line editing tips to make your story feel more Immediate.
What is serial storytelling?
Learn how to create serialized stories through the power of season arcs.
Crafting the perfect logline
A logline is a one sentence description of your story designed to quickly grab a reader's attention. Learn how to use it to help clarify your story's hook.
Write with the Wattpad reader in mind
Who is the Wattpad reader and what are their expectations? Set up your story to appeal to an online audience.
Writing chapter summaries
Master the art of writing chapter summaries to refine your story. Discover the power of this writing technique today!