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Top genres to write now on Wattpad

Top genres to write now on Wattpad Top genres to write now on Wattpad
In this article:

    Wattpad stories span every genre under the sun. We adore the breadth of creativity our users bring to writing. While we welcome this vast variety of stories, there are certain genres that we know perform well that we are specifically scouting for monetization. These genres may change from time to time, depending on the market.

    Priority Genres

    As of March 2024, the genres that Wattpad is focusing on for monetization opportunities are as follows:


    Common Story Conventions

    Common Reader Expectations

    Werewolf Romance

    • At least some characters are able to turn into wolves, and at least 1 of the romantic leads is a werewolf
    • Pack structure, esp. alpha/luna, with a strong hierarchy; alpha is usually dominant, powerful, and in charge 
    • Romantic lead is usually at or near the top of the hierarchy
    • High-stakes external plot, usually involving some kind of violent confrontation or conflict between packs or werewolves and others
    • Setting is otherwise contemporary, often rural or small town

    • Lots of romantic/sexual tension between the leads
    • Happily ever after
    • Characters will turn into wolves at some point, usually to protect one another or in response to violence
    • High stakes backdrop for the romance
    • Fantasy of a protective partner who will do anything to keep you safe
    • Usually features a strong power dynamic between romantic leads

    Billionaire Romance

    • The romantic lead is a billionaire
    • Trappings of wealth: clothing, fine dining, vacations, VIP access
    • Usually a class difference between the romantic leads
    • Setting is contemporary and usually metropolitan
    • Lots of romantic/sexual tension between the leads
    • Happily ever after
    • Class difference creates friction
    • Fantasy of wealth and access, of having all your needs and desires met  easily

    Mafia Romance

    • The romantic lead is a leader in organized crime
    • Trappings of wealth: clothing, fine dining, vacations, VIP access
    • Strong hierarchy in organized crime, with romantic lead at or near the top. Hierarchy maintained through violence or threats of violence. 
    • High-stakes plot that brings the leads together
    • Often a high degree of conflict in the early stages of the relationship
    • Setting is contemporary and usually either US metropolitan or European 
    • Lots of romantic/sexual tension between the leads
    • High stakes context for the romance
    • Happily ever after
    • Fantasy of a protective partner who will do anything to keep you safe
    • Fantasy of being able to emotionally reach and transform a closed-off and violent person
    • Usually features a strong power dynamic between romantic leads

    Fantasy Romance 

    • Worldbuilding involves magic, mythology, etc. 
    • High stakes backdrop for the romance plot
    • There is a lot of worldbuilding and plot present, but the focus of the individual scenes and the function of the plot itself is on bringing the leads together 
    • Setting is secondary world, any time period.
    • Lots of romantic/sexual tension between the leads
    • Happily ever after
    • Magic and other fantasy elements
    • Adventure or high stakes plot brings the leads together

    This does not mean you are required to write in these genres
    , nor does it mean that we will only be contracting these kinds of stories. This is just an expression of Wattpad’s current monetization priorities. For more information on this, see our Verticals guidelines.

    Commercial does not mean only writing in these genres. “Commercial” is about an orientation to genre and readership. If we are looking for work outside of these genres, being strongly Commercial (i.e. grounded in genre and appealing to fans of that genre) is extra important. Commercial also does not mean monolithic. We are super enthusiastic about diverse stories, characters, and creators, especially those interested in our priority genres.

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