Wattpad webnovel examples for inspiration

In this module, we’re going to examine some excerpts from successful Wattpad stories and think about what makes them work. There are no right answers here; the point of these exercises is to think about why the authors are making the creative choices they do and what it means for the story they’re telling.
Webnovel Examples
The Hitman’s Mark by emilyarenfroe, Chapter 1
What do we learn about Valentina in this chapter? Which of these pieces of backstory is most important? How can you tell?
What is the relationship between Valentina and her father like? How can you tell? How does that shape your reaction to the last line of the story?
Are there any word choices in this chapter that stand out to you? How are these words used? Did they slow down your reading experience? Why or why not?
When does the author use dialogue to convey background information vs using narration to convey background information? How do these different techniques make you feel as a reader? Did you have a different reaction to one or the other?
Eliona’s War by KurokageJS, Chapter 2
We open with a character dropped into a totally new world of a video game. What techniques does the author use to convey how the world works? What makes these techniques successful? Would these techniques work in another context or genre, or are they only effective in LitRPG?
What techniques does the author use to differentiate the characters’ voices in dialogue?
What sense of the main character, Severance, do you get from this chapter? Based on this chapter, what do you think Severance’s character journey might look like over the course of the story?
Underground by babezcanwrite, Chapter 1
What do we learn about Ava in this chapter? What techniques does the author use to convey information about the protagonist? Which do you find most successful?
Based on what we know of Ava so far, what do you think her relationship with Shawn is going to be like? What challenges might she face? What techniques does the author use to create this impression?
What is the turning point or major change in this chapter? How do you know this is the turning point?
What are the most important visual details the author shares with us? What is the function of these details in the story?